Wednesday, December 4, 2013

My Kiddos - Some Photos

Visiting a family in the village. Lots of curious friends.

Pece Bible Club

Tegot Learning Club (Unschooled Kids)


Find "d"

How low can you go? LIMBO! Break time fun.
Bubbles Anyone? These faces are priceless. I think I may have found a new photographic pastime. We had a really fun end of the year party.



Primary Levels 1 & 2 (I don't have any photos of level 7 class)


Saturday Club - Sponsored Kids

Literacy tutoring... These kids LOVE books!

Rice, African Sweet Potato, Beans, and Cabbage... A delicious Saturday Club lunch with the kids


My friend Stephanie giving a presentation on the dangers and legalities of early marriage to the upper grades in Tegotatoo.
Street Kids we've been helping and getting to know

Tegot Learning - Club Class Winners!

Over the course of the term these kids have been competing. It has been very effective especially in promoting good attendance. The kids loved getting a little prize at the end of the term. Congrats to them!

A tie for best attendance!!!

Best Behaved!

Most Improved!

Young Scholar Award