Hello! Hello!
I am still alive and kicking in Gulu, Uganda! I realize it has been a while since I last posted. Mostly business as usual... whatever that is.
We had a break between second and third terms. I spent a portion of time in Western Uganda; first, for a weekend hike adventure in the beautiful mountains before claiming her prize free stay for two at a lovely lodge, then, for a few days encouraging and being encouraged while visiting a pastor and his family who I had met months before at a conference. I then returned to Kampala and stayed at a friend's house while picking up some supplies and working on getting an Ugandan license.
Third term, between teacher strikes, two public holidays, and a string of sickness including a bout with malaria, we got off to a very slow start. We still have a few weeks left and I am trying catch up and finish well. I am also meeting with my colleague to teach a bit of educational psychology that might help with working with the kids.
I got my Ugandan license and have added motorcycle driving to it! Motorcycles (besides walking) is the most common form of transportation in this region. Uganda is known for it's motorcycles and motorcycle taxis. I knew that I would likely eventually get one and put money aside for it before I left the US. I wanted to wait a year before I purchased, however, because I wanted to have to do without and learn from not having transportation. Last week, a friend of mine helped me find and purchase a used motorbike. A new adventure has begun! It will greatly help to have freedom of movement, save on transport, and add safety to evenings when a trusted driver cannot be found.
Unfortunately this time of year is full of saying goodbye. Many westerners come here for various amounts of time. Over the course of the year or so you can become very close to friends you make. Unfortunately, with so few staying truly long term, this means you have to say goodbye to your closest friends and hope to make new ones before too much time passes. There are some trends in the comings and goings of people and as Christmas and the new year approaches, a natural end comes for many people's terms of service.
I got a roommate! After a few failed attempts at finding a roommate, a new friend, Hannah, has joined the pups and I in our little Pece house. She is a lovely person and I am thrilled to be able to share space and time with her. She even loves (and will talk to) my puppies almost as much as I do! :)
Gulu just so happened to be in the exact location to see a very rare and extraordinary hybrid total solar eclipse. Truly amazing! I will have to post photos soon.
I cannot believe how quickly this year and especially the last couple months have gone. I hope you are doing well. You lose a sense of US seasons when you live in an ever hot place. I miss fall foliage and hope you enjoyed it for me.
Lubanga miti gum!!! - God Bless YOU!!!
Hooray for blog updates! Love you!!