Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Divine Affirmation

When in the course of life one has to reevaluate their circumstances and all they think they know. It was one of THOSE weeks. What I know: God is good. He alone is faithful.
I have had to be stubborn, "this is what God asked - so this is what I am going to do", even when it took forever to get here. I have asked God before, "is this still what you want?" Each time it was confirmed.
Maybe it was because of the time of year, the holidays, the break from classes, the alone-ness, reminding me of what I miss. I was there again. I am now here in Uganda but as the electricity shut off, I was left alone with my thoughts. "Lord what do you want? Is this it? Help me." It takes time. Again He answers. Yes - He is taking me somewhere.
Somehow, this reaffirms EVERYTHING.

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