Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Glad Tidings of Great Joy!

Merry Merry Christmas!!! I hope your Christmas is filled with joy, peace, and loved ones.

Cam Karama maber!
(cham  ka-ra-ma  ma-bay [a as in art])
Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Of Christmas ReBirths

Today in the village, we talked about what Christmas is and why we celebrate it. It was an interesting mix of kids - some new some regulars. Besides just the story, I shared why the coming of the Christ was important. I suggested that those that wanted more could talk to Nyamchika a little later, but when most of the class raised at least one hand, we decided now would be better. We have many new young siblings! Praises! Pray with me that they will grow in knowledge and faith and hunger for more of Him.