Monday, September 24, 2012


     I have been in Gulu for one week now. I spent much of the week cleaning, fixing, and settling into my new home. I am in the same house where I lived in 2009 - The same landlord, same local night-guard, and many of the same neighbors. It was nice to visit with friends and meet the new ones. Sarah is still in Gulu until November. She has introduced me to many new people and shown me the new places.
On Wednesday, I visited the ZION Project Girls' Home. I was met with hugs and excitement. It was so wonderful to see them again. I am so proud of how they have grown. The now are reading very well and speaking English! I spent some time listening to them recite the Scripture they were memorizing and reading with them.
     Saturday I visited the camp where the sponsored children were gathered. The staff had me hide in the van so that I could surprise them with my presence. I came in while they were seated and singing a song. They were excited. I said some words then the staff encouraged them to line up and give me a hug one by one. The funny thing, is that hugging is not really done in this culture. The younger ones who were familiar with us from our class in 2009 were eager to come up and greet me. There were some, the older boys and ones I had never met, who this was extremely awkward for. But that is what they had been instructed to do, so, one by one I gave (and sometimes received) a hug to the 70 sponsored kids. After that we had some more songs and I was overwhelmed with love for them. I knew once again that while it will be difficult to maintain everything I have plans for, this is where I am supposed to be. I have so much love for those kids. I cannot explain it – only that God has filled me with it for a purpose. It re-energized me for the work ahead. It's gonna be good.


  1. You are LOVED as well, Sweet Girl! Thank-you for the update. I know it will be good!

  2. Oh-I'm crying for you!! God is good.
